NOAH Plant Germplasm ERP

NOAH - Plant breeding software - Complex search tool

NOAH Plant Germplasm ERP is a high performance software solution that protects the integrity, security and robustness of the human expert knowledge and provides a flexible and powerful search system by filters and operators, which provides accurate support for decision making. It provides full integrated funcionality for any process in seed technology:

  • Plant Breeding software.
  • Development of varieties. Development of product.
  • Variety trials software.
  • Variety screenings software.
  • Variety testing software.
  • Forecasts and productions.
  • Seed traceability and stock control.
  • Sales, budgets and samples outputs.
  • Customers and suppliers management.
  • Advanced query tool for customized.
  • Document management.
  • Access control and user roles.

NOAH Plant Germplasm ERP is an emerging new product on the market, and it has been deployed in important plant breeding companies and public research centers.

High performance software

  • Noah allows to classify the accessions in Areas. Each user can only see information related to the materials that belong to their Areas.
  • The configuration of the user Roles allows to have a total control of the actions that each user of the system can perform.
  • Noah allows you to configure the code pattern of the objects (accessions, trials, lots, packages, productions, etc) with a powerful, secure and flexible XML format.
  • Noah includes a set of visual warnings that increases the performance of users and the reliability of operations.
  • Noah includes the history of object changes where the user can see how an object has been modified since it was created.
  • The accessions have a list of events and a list of children, so that the user can easily see the activity of each material.
  • Noah includes a file repository with version control. The files that belong to an object, are saved into the object. Access to folders can be restricted by user.
  • Noah provides a modern, powerful and easy learning user interface design. Tools for auditing: security, privacy, reliability, effectiveness and efficiency.
  • Collaborative management of data structures, information and electronic documents in real time.
  • File version control.
  • Status of the objects through visual warnings.
  • Friendly and intuitive GUI.
NOAH - Plant breeding software - Seed inventory report
NOAH - Plant breeding software - User interface

Plant breeding software

Noah provides full functionality for Plant Breeding. Tools for create new hybrids with complex design of parental characteristics. Rules for: predictions, forbidden crosses, swapping crosses; backcrossing; predictive tools and generation of all the reports and labels, etc.

Lab reports and data importation

The tool for automatically importing laboratory tests for molecular markers saves time and provides reliability. The process is fully configurable.

NOAH - Plant breeding software - Trials - Evaluation of varieties
NOAH - Plant breeding software - Field labels

Trials - Product development

NOAH Portable, specially designed for tablets, provides the functions for field work of plant breeding and evaluation of varieties, management of shipments in camera, or taking of data in nursery. The tablet designed application for trials of varieties allows user to take data in the field and automatically record it in the system. The tasks of evaluating materials through Noah are straightforward and robust.

Forecast and seed productions

Noah provides funcionalities for analysing forecasts, productions and current stock. All the information is shown related to each other. NOAH provides a section for the management of internal or external productions of hybrids.

NOAH - Plant breeding software - Importing lab results for molecular markers
NOAH - Plant breeding software - Hybrids, selfpollinated, parental lines

Seed business intelligence

Noah has advanced tools to provide the support for decision making, Enabling absolute control of your business. NOAH provides functionality for stock control, seed tracking, sales and samples.

Access control and information security

Noah lets you configure different Roles for the users of the system. A Role defines the operations that each user can perform in the application. Noah allows to classify the plant materials in Areas. Each user can only see the materials that belong to their Areas.

NOAH - Plant breeding software - Complex search filters
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